Is there still time to sell by Christmas?

Harrington Latest News 11th December, 2019 No Comments

Tinsel and mince pies are in the shopping aisles and end-of-year party invites have been sent out, meaning the festive season is almost upon us again.

This time of year can be a tumultuous time for a lot of people. It’s full of celebrations and social commitments and that means that any thoughts of purchasing a property can take a backseat for potential buyers.

For this reason the property market tends to be a bit quieter than usual and those who have a December, or even January or February, selling deadline will need to set things in motion as soon as they can.


Get the property up-to-scratch

It can take a number of weeks to finish off odd jobs at a property, such as painting and repairs, to get it presentable for sale time.

If you need to hire any trades then it’s best to book them in quickly as there is a chance that some will be taking time off over the festive season.

Some sellers might be tempted to skip doing home improvements to get their property on the market quicker, but they may miss out on getting the best price for their property by doing so.


Choose an agent

Selecting an agent can be tricky, but you want to make sure you find someone with a solid reputation in your local area and with a history of selling properties quickly, and for a good price.

Overall finding the right agent can make a big difference in the success of your property sale, and in your stress levels.

Once you find someone you want to work with you’ll need to be ready to take on their advice to get the best out of your sale.

To sell quickly you may need to make some extra effort in terms of marketing. A property should also be priced competitively to meet current market conditions.


Be ready for inspections

Since a lot of people will be busy during the festive season, it’s a good idea to be as accommodating with inspections as you can be.

Giving people lots of opportunities to see your property can increase your chances of finding a suitable buyer quickly.


Waiting for settlement

Even if you secure a buyer as soon as your property hits the market, you will need to account for the time needed before the property settles, which could take a month or longer depending on the particular conditions of the sale.

Keep in mind that property transactions that take place over the Christmas and New Year period may be delayed because conveyancers, lawyers and banks may have a break over the holidays.


Get your ducks in a row now

At a minimum it can take a couple of months for a property to be sold and settled from the time you engage an agent, but there are a whole range of factors that can influence how long a sale takes.

The best thing you can do is start chatting to agents as soon you can and get the advice you need to achieve your specific property goals.

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